Saturday, March 27, 2010


I am so excited about something I just came up with on my own! I've really been struggling with the weight loss challenge. I did really good last year and lost 20 lbs, and then I've slipped back struggling with it. After some soul searching I realized that I think I struggle because to get results you have to make several good decisions, and then you're not even guaranteed a reward. So I need immediate rewards or at least I need to know that if I make a good decision, or do something good for my health that I'm getting closer to that reward. I just wanted to share this with everyone and if you're interested you can adapt it to your own situation (even if it has nothing to do with weight loss).

By making good decisions or doing something good...I get rewarded with points.
Exercise = 2 points

Refusing some kind of bad food = 1 point (for instance if I refuse a dessert at a church function, or ice cream when we take the kids out, or if I make cookies for the family - and I don't eat any of them.)

Drinking 6 glasses of water in a day = 1 point

Counting points perfectly all day = 2 points (I'm still following the weight watchers plan)

Lose 1 pound = 3 points

Then I came up with some rewards to work toward, where I can spend my points:

Trip to Portland, $25.00 for fabric depot = 100 points

Pedicure = 50 points

New Clothing Item = 50 points

New Make-Up Item = 25 points

I'm really excited about reminds me of trying to get the kids to do stuff at home. But hey, whatever works. I figure I'm not perfect, but doing a few good things to work on my health is better than doing nothing at all and just being discouraged.


Kirsten said...

Such a good idea, it works with our kids why not us. Awesome!!!

ibshell said...

Hey Laura, I found you ;-) I really like how you are using the point system for rewards that aren't food. That sure takes your mind off the desire of eating...and the money toward the insentives rather than toward the weight watchers fee! WTG!!!

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

I love that idea. I need motivation too and that seems like a great idea! Thanks for the suggestions. You can do it!

stacie said...

Laura- I love this! I did a biggest loser/weight watchers type thing with some friends, and we're always trying to figure out ways to help us with our goals! This is a good idea! I think I might try to adapt it for me too! :) good job!

rachel said...

Going to Boot Camp 5 days a week = 1,000 points!!! :)