I apologize for the long time between posts. Our camera has not been working and how interesting is a post without pictures? Well, I finally went and bought a new camera since Circuit City was having their going out of business sale. It is charging as we speak, so we should have pictures soon.
A lot has happened since I last posted. Charlie was baptized, Sydney turned 4, and Audrey turned 2. January and February are busy months in our house. David's birthday is Monday and then Katie's is the next week.
David said I had to write this funny story...
Last weekend we were coming home from Portland and David dropped me off at a baby shower in Salem. He took the kids to McDonalds for lunch and it made him very ill! When they got home he told the kids that he needed to lay down for awhile. Sydney asked him if he was going to go to sleep. He said, "No, I'm just going to lay down." Then she asked him, "Do you need some peace and quiet?" He answered, "Yeah, will you give me some peace and quiet?" Sydney responded, "We're kids, we don't do peace and quiet!" She's definitely the philosopher in the family.
Keep checking back...I promise to do better with the posts!