Monday, September 22, 2008

Update on Mom!

Well, it seems that this is going to be the year of trials for our family. Whatever we are supposed to learn we pray to learn it fast so that things can return to normal.

Saturday night my mom was picking up Jed and Amanda from the airport when through a combined effort of her forgetting to put the car in park and an accidental foot touching the gas, the car ran over her foot, knocking her to the ground and breaking a lot of bones. Her foot is broken in two places, her ankle is broken, and her hip is broken. She needs to have a total hip replacement surgery to fix the break. The hip surgeon at the hospital that she's at is on vacation so she is being tranferred to Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland sometime this evening. Once they evaluate her there they should be able to schedule her surgery. She's doing ok. She seems to have a really positive attitude about the whole thing. She's been wanting a hip replacement anyways, and this just happens to be the same hip that she was having problems with. This may just be a blessing in disguise. We all love her and are praying that she gets better quickly.


Kirsten said...

When I heard about this yesturday I was in shock, this really is quite a year for your family. I am glad that she is doing okay and will continue to pray for her. Send her our love!!! Your mom is such an amazing gal.

rachel said...

OH MY GOSH! Your poor mom. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for her.

ally&leigh said...

Leigh and I were in Eugene this weekend and heard the news on Sunday and we were speechless. I'm glad she is having a positive attitude about it all, she sure seems to have that positive attitude no matter what happens! I hope she gets better soon and the surgery goes well! We are thinking of her!

Kimi said...

Wow! Your poor family. Sorry to hear about your Mom.